
Zufriedene Kunden – innovative Unternehmen

Daniel Weißmann

Leiter Logistik Europa bei Pepperl+Fuchs GmbH
19. Juni 2020, Daniel Weißmann war Achim Dohl direkt unterstellt

 „I had the chance to work with Achim Dohl as my direct boss. It was always a very focused, performance-related but also a very human work. During this time I learned a lot for my future. His extensive knowledge in business development and process optimization, especially in the sector of LEAN management, characterizes his personality. His knowledge was very visionary for me at that time. What also distinguishes him is that he is a very good listener. I also had a few funny moments with him which I wouldn’t want to miss. Today I found out that Achim Dohl is engaged in art in his spare time, which he donates to charity. A great thing! I wish you much success with it.“

Ralf Kramer

Global Director Purchasing bei KARL STORZ SE & Co.KG
14. Februar 2020, Ralf Kramer war Achim Dohl direkt unterstellt

 „I had the opportunity to work twice with Achim, once at R.STAHL and another time at KARL STORZ and in both cases I can say that he was an excellent boss with a clear vision of where to go and how to walk the road. He is also a very skilled person in many different specialities, accentuating his know how in Lean Management, Business Development and medical devices. I felt very comfortable working with him, because he is great team worker and integrator, a good listener and give his people enough space to act and develop ideas to support achievement of goals. He is open to discuss ideas and business opportunities from different perspectives. His friendly and humorous character makes him a welcome discussion partner. Achim is an excellent promoter and I am happy to consider him both an outstanding boss and a friend. I wish good luck for the following tasks wherever they might be.“

Inka Wolfermann

Head of People & Organization bei Caspar Health We are hiring!
6. Februar 2020, Inka Wolfermann war unmittelbare/r Vorgesetzte/r von Achim Dohl.

 „I had the chance to work with Achim as my direct supervisor in an agile start-up environment. In the light of my overall experience and many different encounters with managers, Achim represents an outstanding and genuine leader and role model with relevant interpersonal skills to lead and motivate both individuals and teams and helping them to overcome challenges they face in a very humane and sustainable way. What I found remarkable is that he always took the time to talk to the people and – above all – to LISTEN to them and – as a consequence – to turn around more than once decisions that with the insight in people’s perspective did not seem right anymore. The reason for that lays in his fundamental trust in people, their professional competence and their desire to be successful. He created a unique and sustainable working environment of cooperation, trust and accountability.“

Venkatesan Subbiah Vellaisamy

General Manager – Operations, SICGILSOL India PVT Ltd., Chennai – 600 002
30. August 2019, Venkatesan Subbiah Vellaisamy war Achim Dohl direkt unterstellt

 „Achim Dohl is a Down to Earth person, who believes team work and decision through data analysis. His competency on the Lean Concepts are phenomenal and was much helpful to the R.Stahl Indian operations when we work together on the Light Fitting projects and other development activities. His personal attachment with his fellow colleagues always keeps them on the top of motivation. Wishing Good Luck.“

Professor Dr. Hanns-Peter Knaebel

Vorstandsvorsitzender der Aesculap AG und
Vorstand der B.Braun Melsungen AG, 2009

 „Sein Wirken generiert nachhaltiges Wachstum.“

Jörg Fitzek

Geschäftsführer, R. Stahl – Indien, 2012

„Wie er die Organisation auf internationaler Ebene fordert und fördert und somit das Unternehmen zu Wachstum führt und die Persönlichkeit seiner Führungskräfte entwickelt, empfinde ich als beispielhaft.“

Fred Wilbert

Geschäftsführer Leonardo Group,
München, 2014

„So wie Herr Dohl Veränderung zum Positiven vorlebt, so gestaltet er glaubwürdig Changemanagement in Aufbau- und Ablauforganisation.“

Achim Dohl Interim Solution
Berliner Ring 95
64625 Bensheim

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